Clad-rack warehouse extension for Chausson Materiaux








The project for this French client had two milestones. Initially, POLYPAL built a clad-rack warehouse from scratch and 3 years later, thanks to the growth and expansion of Chausson Materiaux, the need arose to expand this first clad-rack warehouse.

This project is therefore an example of how POLYPAL adapts to not only present but also to future requirements that can arise for a client company.


In clad-rack warehouses, the racking not only stores the goods and withstands their loads, it also supports the structure of the walls and roof, avoiding most of the civil works. Loads are calculated to receive the internal actions of handling equipment and external actions of the wind, snow, seismic movements, etc.

Challenge: POLYPAL extended the clad-rack warehouse without interrupting its daily activity at any time


  • Warehouse dimensions: 72,000 x 9,600 mm
  • 4 rows of adjustable pallet racking with 2 automated aisles
  • Capacity: 2,912 pallets


  • Total dimensions of the current warehouse: 92,000 x 14,440 mm
  • 6 rows of adjustable pallet racking with 3 automated aisles
  • Total capacity: 5,616 pallets

The project was carried out under strict supervision owing to the difficulty associated with a “blind” warehouse extension from the outside, joining both structures (the old and the new) with a perfect assembly for both the racking and the stacker crane.

The storage capacity was extended by 98%.


Example of the complexity of assembly, due to building the extension by continuing the racking through the wall of the operating warehouse

Technical data sheet

  • Construction materials storage
  • Clad-rack warehouse with racking serviced by a stacker crane
  • 6 rows of adjustable pallet racking
  • Height below gantry beam of 18,900 mm
  • 3 automated aisles
  • 13 load levels
  • Load capacity for 5,616 pallets
  • Pallet dimensions: 800×1,200 of different heights and 1,500 kg max. weight

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